
Red Dead Redemption Ps4

Original price was: €49.99.Current price is: €18.99.

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Dive into the epic journey of John Marston with Red Dead Redemption PS4. Secure your copy at a competitive price and experience the Wild West like never before, including the captivating Undead Nightmare.


Cowboy life is quite a rare genre for both Pc and console gaming. Cowboy games rarely come to our consoles and most of the time they are quite linear action games without any proper NPC interaction or living world, which could make you feel like a real outlaw. However, R* Games completely changed that with their relatively recent Red Dead Redemption franchise. Red Dead Redemption Ps4 is one of the best cowboy games you can play on your Ps4 and it is cheaper than a human’s life in the Wild West!

Red Dead Redemption for PS4: West is Wild, Prices are Low

Just before the world enters a new era, in 1911, America is witnessing major changes. Old frontier lifestyle is slowly fading away and modern urban areas announce how modernity defeated tradition. Wild West is becoming more and more tamed every day.

You play as a former outlaw and current family guy, John Marston, who gave up the outlaw lifestyle to start a peaceful farm life in the desert. However, after federal agents discover his connection with the notorious Van Der Linde Gang, they kidnap and keep his wife and son as hostages, and they offer a proposition to Marston: He must either betray his former comrades and hunt them one by one or let the government kill his family.


Red Dead Redemption Ps4 offers  great features like:

  • Huge and living open world in which you can do cowboy stuff both in the US and Mexico,
  • Exciting gunplay with dead-eye skill and charismatic six-gun draws,
  • Captivating plot that will keep you guessing until the end.

Moreover, all these features are offered at the cheapest price on the market on GamesCard.Net!


Outlaws from… Underground?

Trouble never ends in the Wild West. With the Undead Nightmare expansion of Red Dead Redemption Ps4, the game creates a new setting in which you must fight and survive hordes of zombies and rescue others. If the West isn’t wild enough for you in Red Dead Redemption Ps4, Undead Nightmare will surely add wildness and weirdness to you experience.

Buy Red Dead Redemption Ps4 at the cheapest price on GamesCard.Net, hop on your horse and gallop into the action!


Audio: English, French, Spanish, German

Screen Languages: Chinese, English, Frenc, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

This Game is Not a CD or Disc. We deliver the original game to you via E-mail with a PS4-PS5 account that you can download and play for a lifetime. FAQ.